The greatest gift you can give those you love is the example of your own life working
The greatest gift you can give those you love is the example of your own life working
Ready to expand consciousness, release stress, heal your body and return life to innocence? The Ascension techniques work automatically for us, whether we believe they will or not! Ascension deals with our fundamental, root stresses and thus all of life begins to blossom and change for the better!
Join us for a First Sphere Course & Learn to Ascend! Register for a scheduled First Sphere Workshop or inquire to create a course in your area.
After attending the First Sphere course, Auditors are invited & encouraged to repeat this workshop for no charge! (advance registration/communication is required and as space permits).
We offer Ascender Meetings! It's a great way to meet other Ascenders, gain tools for your practice, request advanced Ascension Attitudes, and enjoy quality Ascending time together.
We offer Ascension Retreats 1-3 nights. After completing the First Sphere course, the more you can Ascend and use the tools the better! Dive into a Retreat! You can travel to a Retreat or we can work with people to arrange a time and area near you!
For longer Retreats, we recommend the Center for Ascension. Please see their website: TIF
Learn to Ascend